Celebrating Independence!

Holidays at .decimal are a special time for all. We truly feel we’re a family, and we love spending quality time together. This 4th of July was a celebration of our country’s independence, a celebration of camaraderie amongst our tight nit group, and a little on the somber side, the bidding farewell to one of .decimal’s long-time engineers.

Typically on most holidays we’ll take the time and come together with family style meals. Of course there could be no 4th of July celebration (at least in our minds) without good ol’ American style BBQ. Rib’s and chicken, beans and potato salad, fresh fruit and delicious cup cakes (makes me hungry again just thinking about it).

The festivities usually begin with everyone grabbing a bite and just sitting down and having some quality conversation. We couldn’t feel stronger about the need for our employees to truly get to know one another, and we get the hustle and bustle of our normal work days don’t allow us to do that quite often enough. So our holiday meals not only bring us all together, but participation is always high and they tend to drive and reaffirm that .decimal’s core values are important and not taken for granted.

Some of the team interactions from our luncheon:

(Good luck in Boston Andrew!)


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