Longevity Awards

One of the most amazing things about .decimal is the journey we’ve had to get where we are today. After 32 years, we’ve been lucky and thankful to have a great team pushing us forward, and we wanted to recognize those individuals for their dedication and excellence while they’ve been employed at .decimal.

We’d like to congratulate, honor, and take a moment to appreciate those who have stuck with .decimal so long. We thank you for your years of service!

5 Year Milestone Award: Kyle, Justin, Jessie, Kevin, Drew, Jon, Sal; Not Pictured: Kathy
10 Year Milestone Award: Ricky, Eusebio, Steve, John, Henry, Daniel, Rose; Pictured on featured image: Mary
15 Year Milestone Award: Zbyszek, Linda, John

A huge congratulations and thank you goes out to all employees. We couldn’t do this without you!

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