Trade Show Madness

.decimal has always participated in trade shows. We love the atmosphere, the opportunity to meet new people, and to see what’s going on in the industry. June held some of the biggest of the year and the months of preparing definitely paid off.

The first big trade show .decimal attended was PTCOG58. This year, it was held in Manchester, England, and featured the world’s largest gathering for clinicians and researchers in the field of proton therapy. Hundreds of doctors and physicists from the US, European, Australian and Asian hospitals were able to take a look at one of .decimal’s new products, Gamma.

Along the way, Kevin and Daniel were able to see a few sights and enjoy some fun in the United Kingdom.
Overall, PTCOG58 was a great time, and .decimal looks forward to next year in Taipei!!
Meanwhile, Henry and Keitt traveled in the opposite direction, landing in Anaheim, California to attend AAMD’s 44th Annual Meeting.
Over 500 clinicians attended and .decimal was able to meet with friends, new and old customers, and past colleagues.
Overall, June was a busy month, but .decimal is always grateful to be a part of the radiation oncology community. We are humbled by the people we meet and the opportunities that come our way.
Is it too early to start planning for next year?