ConGRADulations to our 2020 Seminole State Graduates Dani Hass and Ben Henry! .decimal is SO proud to recognize them and their incredible achievements. They have exemplified the .decimal core values of being committed to excellence and demonstrating continuous improvement. The choices they have made now to pursue higher education will impact their future success in a big way!
Dani Hass graduated from Seminole State College with her Bachelor’s degree in Business and Information Management, with a specialty in Entrepreneurship. The best part of her degree was implementing what she learned as a Marketing Technician at .decimal. This fueled her on to do her best. Dani’s takeaway from her degree was that grit and determination can help you get through anything, which she was governed by during her program. She will be continuing her education to receive her Master’s degree in the fall at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas at the Greehey School of Business.
Great job, Dani! We will miss your sweet smile and can-do attitude around .decimal but know your future awaits!!
Ben Henry graduated from Seminole State College with his Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Information Technology, with a specialty in Cyber Security. Having always been good with computers and participating in the IT program in high school, Ben knew this was the right path for him. He said that the best part of his degree was the security classes he attended and the problem-solving skills he acquired along the way. His on-the-job experience of working at .decimal helped him with team leadership, writing security policies, and implementing security controls. The greatest takeaway Ben learned from his degree program was to have self-confidence and to persevere. He will continue to hone his skills at .decimal by earning certificates that will give him more credentials and experience.
You have so much to be proud of, Ben!