Deck The Halls!

When December hits, the holiday fun begins and the .decimal family always finds the best ways to celebrate another safe and successful year.

There is always feeling of warmth and excitement in the air: All month long you can hear jingle bells on doorknobs or smell a whiff of peppermint hot chocolate.  On especially good mornings, you might walk into your office to find an anonymous gift on your keyboard. 

This year, we decided to have our Christmas party at work with a potluck lunch, so we decorated our break room.  Even “Hollow Man” was displaying his holiday spirit! 

We played games like Let’s Make a Deal and Christmas carol scramble. 

There was a raffle with gifts for everyone!

And of course, what would our New Year’s resolution be if we didn’t have to work off an insane amount of delicious food. Employees brought in their favorites to share, resulting in YUMMY leftovers for days!!

All in all, the holidays are always time well spent at .decimal. We look forward to 2018 for another great year!!

Happy Holidays from the entire .decimal Team!

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